Thursday, August 27, 2009

This is a Test!!!

I want to see how many of my students check the blog, after I've told them about it. So here's how this works: Every student who whispers the secret password "hundred billion" to me, will get a reward. Don't tell your friends! Let them figure it out for themselves. In fact, during recess is an excellent time to whisper secret passwords to me. :)
Let the games begin!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I Love School!

Today was the first day, and all the 5th graders survived. Yay! Almost all the students shared their paper bag items (those who didn't bring it, will share tomorrow). The first homework was sent home as well.
The students were given their planners today. We are asking for a $3 donation for each planner. I understand if funds are tight, but it will help us be able to afford other things for the grade later on (i.e. field trips, classroom supplies, etc.)
It looks like we have a lot of readers in the class, which is very exciting to me!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Back!

It sure was fun to meet all of you tonight! (For some who I knew already, it was very nice to see you again!) I'm looking forward to this school year. I'm hoping that the 5th graders are ready to present their "Paper bag" Intros tomorrow. It's always so much fun getting to know my students every year.
Often parents want to know what their 5th grader needs to bring to school. The truth is, everything they NEED (other than their families, of course!) the school will provide. However, if they want to have extra pencils, their own set of crayons or colored pencils, a pencil box, extra folders. . . they are welcome to bring them.

Looking forward to working with you for this year!